Special improvisational role-playing games (sexual play) help to diversify close relationships, strengthening the intimate bond between partners. In them, the couple realizes their own sexual fantasies, following the chosen theme and scenario. This article will tell you how erotic massage in the Czech Republic this delicate procedure is offered by special salons) can complement the corresponding spicy activities of lovers.
Top intimate games: themes and storyline
There is a huge variety of sexual activities that give creative partners a mutual drive and adrenaline. There are several examples of appropriate activities, during which eromassage, gentle or passionate, will always be appropriate.
The rules of this game differ from its classic children’s version in that the participant who won (found the hidden partner) receives a “prize” in the form of 10 minutes of sexual caresses. Of course, a full-fledged session of erotic massage in Prague lasts much longer. Nevertheless, in this case it is possible to use tactile touches that give the greatest pleasure to the partner. If a partner is not found, the losing participant receives “punishment”, turning into a “love slave”. During this fun, each of the participants should wear only one piece of clothing.

“Back Drawings”
According to the plot, a gentleman and a lady should take turns using their fingers and palms to draw some objects and symbols related, for example, to their desires or plans. Such tactile movements are, in fact, elements of eromassage – they can be performed several times with varying intensity and speed not only on the back area, but also on the buttocks, lower back or other sensual areas of the body.
“Sweet Torture”
One of the partners should lie motionless, and the other at this time should take him out of emotional equilibrium, using different techniques of erotic massage. If the masseur somehow reacts to such stroking or other kind of touch (by moving, moaning, sighing) to his erogenous zones, he is considered a loser. After that, the participants change roles.
“Nookie point”
This is a card game with elementary rules, during which a man and his lady take turns drawing cards from a deck. The player who draws a certain card from the deck is entitled to as many minutes of caresses as the number of elements drawn on the card. If a jack, queen or king is drawn, it gives the player the right to demand 15 minutes of eromassage in a certain area of the body, which he indicates. And “ace” means the obligation to fulfill any of the intimate desires of the lover who drew this card.

Role-playing games
Using special paraphernalia and accessories, a guy and a girl can play “Salon of erotic massage”, when they play the role of a masseuse and her client. It is possible and other themes of such sexual fun. Popular themes are “Polyclinic” (nurse and patient), “School” (student and teacher), “Crime and Punishment” (bandit and his victim). The main condition for this kind of entertainment is a preliminary mutual agreement of rules, rights and obligations. Such spicy erotic fun helps to maintain the sharpness and brightness of intimate relationships, and also gives lovers the opportunity to better recognize and learn the feelings and desires of each other.
Eromassage during sexual games: recommendations of experts
Professional masseuses of the Czech Republic salons advise, resorting to the techniques of the appropriate manual technique during such entertainment, to take into account several points:
– during tactile contact is categorically not allowed to criticize the figure of the person you are massaging, but to note aloud the advantages and benefits of his body, doing it enthusiastically and without irony, is very appropriate;
– in order for your partner to be able to fully relax and get real pleasure, you should massage him carefully and without hurry for at least 20 minutes, doing it “until the end”;

– the greatest relaxation is achieved with the help of foot massage – if as a result of such a “magical” action your lover accidentally falls asleep, you should not be offended or surprised at him (of course, you do not need to wake up either);
– erotic massage for men in the salon involves the use of massage oils with less pronounced odors – most gentlemen feel the aromas of cosmetics on themselves, unlike the ladies, is not too pleasant;
– the ideal time for eromassage is after sexual intercourse and before a meal (it is better for lovers to start eating together 20 minutes after the completion of the ritual);
– when massaging, it is necessary to use not only both hands at once, but also different parts of the body, including buttocks and breasts, and long-haired ladies can connect their luxurious hair during the procedure.
If bringing your soul mate the desired tactile pleasure during role-playing or other intimate games turns out only one of the partners, do not be upset or make claims to him. In this case, it is best to sign up for a session of erotic massage (Prague) in a specialized institution, entrusting your body to a master with experience.