Usually when we talk about eromassage, we mean such a delicate procedure performed by a professional masseuse. This specialist knows all the secrets of the corresponding spicy manual technique, ancient and beautiful. And this article is addressed to those who are still hesitant or do not have the opportunity to enroll in the salon of erotic massage in Prague, trusting the skillful hands of the master. The text will tell you about the appropriate technique of self-massage, one of the method of learning about your own body – its techniques, methods and benefits for the body.
Benefits of spicy self-massage
We can name several priority features of such a procedure, which is recommended to perform regularly, at least once a week.
1. Getting pleasure for yourself. During and as a result of such massaging, the body actively begins to produce the so-called hormones of joy and happiness – serotonin and dopamine. And, for example, gentle massaging of the earlobes leads to stimulation of endorphin release, which is responsible for feeling good.
2. Exploring the sensuality and receptivity of your body. Naturally, professional erotic massage performed by a qualified masseuse allows her to find almost immediately the most responsive to tactile caresses points and areas of the client’s body. But alternative self-massage gives you the opportunity to make such important discoveries for yourself, without rushing, gradually.

3. A ritual of self-love. Eromassage, which a gentleman or lady does to himself or herself, touching all, including the most secret and intimate areas, is an unusual procedure. At this time, you contact your own erogenous zones and other body parts with love, accepting yourself as a real person with your bodily and mental weaknesses and strengths. This chiropractic practice is an effective way to forgive yourself for all your shortcomings, tuning in to the positive.
4. Skin care. Self-massage procedure, as well as erotic massage in the Czech Republic, accompanied by the use of a special oil, improves the condition of the skin, making it more soft and firm. Massage movements, during which this slip-enhancing oily liquid is gently rubbed in, improve skin tone and help to tighten muscles.
Regardless of which area your massaging movements are focused on, they become an effective tool of self-knowledge and self-perception from a positive perspective, a method of achieving mental and bodily harmony and relaxation.

What should I know about the techniques and rules?
The main condition is to listen to your sensations and desires, massaging in those areas that most emotionally and sensually respond to contact. Men and women who from time to time or systematically visit the erotic massage salon (Prague), know that there is no clear algorithm for this procedure.
It should not be there if you perform eromassage as a self-massage. Nevertheless, experts advise beginners to pay attention to the following points:
– before the procedure, try to relax all muscles and take a comfortable, comfortable position;
– maximize the variety of movements – you should alternate gentle stroking with intensive rubbing and kneading, use touching with finger pads, percussion and other techniques;

– pay attention to correcting the amplitude of movements and their directions (performing erotic massage masseuses recommend performing them from bottom to top, i.e. from wrists to shoulders, from feet to knees, from buttocks to back, from shoulder blades to neck);
– increase the impact should be gradual – the massage ritual should begin with light touches that will give the body a chance to adjust.
Ideally, eromassage, including self-performed eromassage, should awaken desires, arouse excitement, leading to the climax of pleasure, which is followed by absolute relaxation. In this case, special attention is paid to the erogenous zones, which have the highest sensitivity.
Benefits of erotic massage procedure
This manual ritual provides a complex health-improving effect for the physical and psychological state of the body:
– is the right way to learn and know your body – it helps you to know your needs and desires, as well as to satisfy and fulfill them;
– massage activates the blood circulation processes, reducing the risk of cardiac diseases;

– this technique helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body, thus rejuvenating it;
– eromassage normalizes the function of the nervous system – normalizes sleep, relieves fatigue, anxiety and stress.
You can learn to perform such useful activities on your own, but it is better to order an erotic massage in a special salon, entrusting your body to professionals.
There is a huge choice of such service establishments in the Czech Republic, which are popular and in demand.