The history of such a manual art as eromassage is counted for thousands of years. This delicate technique was known, and perfected for centuries in ancient China and India, Japan, Egypt and Greece.
But in all times of its existence, erotic massage has found many opponents, who treat this ritual with prejudice. This article destroys the most common in modern realities myths about it. The following text details the labels that are undeservedly attached to massage parlors offering the corresponding spicy service, and provides strong arguments in favor of their unreliability.
1. Eromassage parlors offer sex to visitors
In fact, the employees of these establishments do not provide any intimate services to clients as such. This is not part of the responsibilities of masseuses.
Moreover, almost every erotic massage parlor in the Czech Republic and other civilized European countries has its own strict, requiring compliance with the code of rules. They prohibit sexual intimacy between masseuses and guests during sessions.
This means that if a visitor behaves inappropriately with the master and starts to take the initiative, showing sexual harassment, this attempt will be immediately stopped by security. In such a situation, the procedure is stopped, and the insolent client is paid a fine and placed on the black list.
At the same time, during the massage is allowed light reciprocal touching by the guest to different parts of the body of the masseuse, except for the bikini area. Usually the administrator of the salon informs the newcomer about all the rules before the beginning of the eromassage procedure.

2. Ladies do not go to these establishments
Perhaps erotic massage for men is somewhat more popular than female massage, but this does not mean that the last one is absent.
Representatives of the fair sex like to receive physical and emotional pleasure no less than gentlemen, and just as much need to receive appropriate sensations. The female nature is more sensual and is able to perceive every tactile touch of the master more acutely.
There are many types of erotic massage strictly for girls and women, giving them a lot of new bright impressions, absolute relaxation and true pleasure. For example, demanding ladies can order a session of erotic massage in Prague with feathers, milk, chocolate, as well as yoni-massage, which involves working with the most intimate areas of the female body.
One of the popular services of such salons is spicy massage for couples. It is chosen by partners, who seek to diversify their sexual life, renew the lost sharpness of sensations from intimacy and deeper knowledge of each other.
And to the representatives of non-traditional orientation many relevant institutions offer to become participants of a special program for them – a lesbian show.

3. Salon massage is not able to give such pleasure as intimacy
This widespread opinion is also extremely erroneous.
Unlike sex, which does not always bring satisfaction and ends in orgasm, professional erotic massage gives maximum pleasure and guarantees results.
It happens so because an experienced masseuse knows all methods and techniques of spicy manual techniques perfectly. She practices a personal and complex approach to each client, taking into account the type of his temperament, individual features of the psyche, responsiveness of the body to tactile contact, the location of erogenous zones, and much more.
If a newcomer guest is embarrassed and behaves stiffly, the specialist helps him or her to relax – a qualified master manages to do this in any case.

4. The only criterion for selecting masseuses is their physical appearance
Attractive appearance and a taut, seductive body, of course, are mandatory for such employees of eromassage salons. But this is not enough to get a job as a masseuse in the appropriate institution.
An additional and even priority condition for enrolling a girl in the staff is the presence of practical skills and abilities of delicate massage.
It is also important to love one’s own body and one’s profession, to be willing and ready to develop and improve in it. In this regard, there are special courses at massage parlors. They offer both training in the basics of erotic massage, and advanced training by studying new methods and techniques. Teachers at such training courses – trainers-professionals.
The condition for obtaining the position of a masseuse is passing an exam, which involves testing her theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

5. Eromassage procedures are monotonous and primitive
Only ignorant people who have no idea about the wide range of such savory manual techniques, or people who have encountered the services of frank amateurs, can say so.
For example, erotic massage in the salon “Phoenix” (Prague), one of the most prestigious establishments in the capital of the Czech Republic, is offered in dozens of species.
Each type of this procedure is characterized by its own methodology, algorithm, means and accessories used to increase the sharpness of sensations.
Numerous clients who become regular visitors of the salon have the opportunity to get acquainted with different types of eromassage one by one. This allows them to experience the novelty of sensations every time. Some guests give preference to several types of massage, alternating or combining them.

There are also such methods of appropriate massage procedures, which are not only able to bring pleasure, provide relaxation and relieve stress, but have a pronounced therapeutic and preventive effect. An example is erotic stone massage (stone therapy) and lingam massage, which prevents prostatitis and gets rid of this very common male ailment in its initial stages.
Another myth that should be mentioned is the opinion that it is impossible to choose a masseuse that meets the taste and preferences of the client. Usually, you can familiarize yourself with the photos of the masters on the website of this salon. This should be done before booking a session of eromassage for a suitable date and time for you online or by phone.
As practice shows, some regular visitors of such salons order a particular favorite masseuse, while others prefer to constantly change masters, using their services in turn.