Quite an unpleasant problem that many couples face, both women and men can cheat, but everyone is pushed to such a step by absolutely different situations. The sexes also have different psychology, so life circumstances they perceive and react to them differently.
In any married couple, sex plays a very important role. You should not confuse ordinary sexual intercourse with love, intimacy and trust. A good sex life is possible only with a combination of all these factors. There can be no good sex in a long-term relationship if you feel nothing for each other, constantly tense and irritated.
Reasons for cheating in men
Immediately it should be noted that the structure and functionality of the genitals in men is quite different from that of women. Throughout the years of active libido, men feel pressure and need to relieve it. For them, sex is like food! A very important need. And why does infidelity occur? The most common reasons are as follows:
- Pure physiology, if there is no sex in the family, it will be on the side. Yes, perhaps for the first time the stronger sex is able to tolerate, for example, the wife has given birth and needs recovery, but forever it will not go on like this.
- Unappreciation, lack of attention and lack of admiration. Believe me, there will be one who will look at your husband with surprised and shining eyes, saying thank him for every little thing.

- Problems, conflicts, disagreements, constant quarrels – this is one of the main factors why there is treason in relationships because without harmony and feelings it is very difficult to keep the passion and desire.
- There are real womanizers, and such men live in constant search for a new partner even if they have a family. Behind this, psychological blocks, attempts to prove something and so on are most often thwarted.
Therefore, many ladies think about how to renew the passion in bed and become for her husband the most desirable. Of course, it is attention and care, joyful meeting from work, warmth and comfort, heart-to-heart talks. But also should not forget about the main thing – it is sex! The monotony will soon bore both partners, right?
What to do if a man has gone cold?
Introduce novelty and experimentation into your intimate life, try spending an evening in a hotel, a new environment will always be beneficial, try a light BDSM-massage technique or turn on your fantasy and play role-playing games. For example, erotic parlors in Prague offer tantric massage for couples, such techniques will help to ignite a new spark and open the world of sexual pleasures from a new side.

How do I know if my husband has cheated?
Many girls immediately feel it thanks to a more developed intuition. Notice changes in behavior, not wanting to spend time alone, strange business trips or suspicious hobbies, clean the history of correspondence and on phones, computers appear passwords.
There are cases when a man can cheat for years and no one suspects him, he carefully hides everything and leads a very interesting game for himself. At home, the household is adjusted, everything is good, the children are supervised, but he has a little secret. But no matter how it is, all the secrets sooner or later become apparent.
Reasons for cheating in women
According to statistics, women cheat much less often than men, and if cheating has occurred then, most likely in the family is already very bad. Let’s highlight the main reasons for female infidelity:
- Disrespectful attitude of the partner, humiliation, lack of attention, the husband is not interested in his wife’s problems, he does not listen to her and ignores her.
- According to their psychology, girls need protection and security, if she does not feel it in her chosen one, then begins to look for such basic needs on the side.

- Every day cares! It is very difficult to want sex when you are constantly spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, some ladies even work two jobs to support themselves, their husband and children, and if you add the lack of help around the house and taking care of children, of course, she will start looking for a man with whom she will be happy, calm and loved.
- A partner has problems with erectile function or a very low sexual constitution, he may be a great husband and father, but the physiological needs of the ladies also need to be met.
How do I know that my wife cheated on me?
The weaker sex in this regard is very prudent and cunning. But, everyone can make a mistake. Suddenly, you find new jewelry or gifts (and they are from another person), behavior changes, shows an incomprehensible glint in the eyes, leaves the usual irritability. If a woman becomes silent and stops telling how her day went, to ask for something, to consult – this is a very alarming bell.
Therefore, men need to give their lady of the heart attention, listen to her, take responsibility for the family, and provide optimal material support. And when you feel wrong, and lose passion in the relationship what to do?
It is necessary first of all to talk, without reproach, find out what bothers your beloved, perhaps the problems are not so serious, and everything can be quickly corrected.
It is very important to pay attention, more often please your other half with unexpected gifts, flowers. On a regular basis arrange romantic dinners.

For hot foreplay and excitement, offer to do erotic relaxing massage with warm oil and promote a relaxing atmosphere. And also before the massage, allow your wife to rest, take on some of her household chores. In this way, she will see and feel that she is desired, loved and cared for.
The reasons for cheating partners are very different, and each family has its own peculiarities and nuances. Of course, it is painful and unpleasant to learn about it, but this is life and we are not insured from anything.
Can a relationship get better after infidelity?
Some couples succeed, but with great difficulty. And in most cases, families break up, the relationship begins to find out and revenge. Everyone chooses his own way! And everyone deserves happiness, both in family and sexual life, and on the way to harmony sometimes we pass many different obstacles.