Frigidity in women is much more common than in men. For the stronger sex, it is a violation of erectile function (prostate problems or impotence), such sexual dysfunction can occur at any age. It would seem that a healthy and young woman can not achieve satisfaction from sexual intercourse with a partner, how can this be? Unfortunately, this is a very common problem among many ladies, and they carefully hide it, pretend and trick. And it will only lead to negative consequences!
Frigidity in women, what it is – in simple words, a failure of intimate and natural sexual functions, a significant decrease in sexual constitution and libido, lack of arousal, desire and attraction to sex. Consequently, achieving orgasm becomes simply impossible, without passion and fantasy it is difficult to get excited, it does not release the necessary lubricant, there is dryness, resulting in discomfort and painful sensations.

Can frigidity be fixed? Of course! For starters, you need to find out the root of the problem, admit first of all to yourself that it is and begin working with it. After all, the world of sexual pleasures is incredibly great and you should not deprive yourself of this.
Frigidity in women symptoms can be only psychological or physical. Most often it is associated with psychosomatics. Let’s consider the most common situations.
Psychological factors
Sex and arousal for a man and a woman are completely different things. Agree, the male sex is quite difficult to hide his desire, for him it will say it erection, as well as orgasm – ejaculation. But in women everything is different: if you want, you can pretend, and the partner is not easy to understand- if you really reach an orgasm. Like everything is good in the relationship: there is care, kindness, closeness, but woman don’t want to have sex.
The causes of frigidity are very deep, we can emphasize the main ones:
- Stress, lack of rest, depression.
- Complexity, insecurity, rejection of her own body.
- Poor relations with a partner, constant disputes and so on, note that this factor rarely stops men, but if a woman is upset, it will be very difficult to seduce her.
Also often you can meet girls who simply do not realize what brings them pleasure, they are afraid to tell their partner about their desires or say certain actions they do not like, and what if he will be offended? Do not know their body and erogenous zones. With such reasons will help perfectly cope with female erotic massage and will give a lot of new and unforgettable sensations.

Ladies need much more time to warm up, so this option will be an excellent foreplay with further hot continuation. You can do this practice in private. If you can give yourself pleasure, but with a partner it does not work out, then you need to work with various psychological blocks and complexes, in difficult situations you should consult a sexologist.
But a heart-to-heart conversation on the purity, variety of sexual life, telling about your desires and fantasies, introduction of new positions, experiments, role-playing games, watching “adult videos” together can significantly change the situation.
Relaxation massage with elements of eroticism will help to loosen up, accept your body, learn erogenous points, and most importantly feel the desire of your partner to surprise you and deliver a pleasant excitement.
Severe injuries
Frigidity causes can be much more serious and women have a complete aversion to sexual intercourse, deny masturbation completely and suffer greatly from it in adulthood. There may have been abuse, severe restrictions, or in childhood the word “sex” was taboo in the family. In adolescence, girls could have been taught that sexual intercourse is debauchery, shameful and immoral, and when masturbation was detected, they reacted harshly to it, and this is the result. Fear of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and painful sensations. In such situations, it is necessary to work only with professional psychologists, who will help to cope with moral complexes and gradually return the attraction to sex in life.
Physical causes of sexual dysfunction
Why does arousal disappear in women in the presence of good relationships and the absence of various complexes? Let’s highlight the main sources:
- Side effects from the use of medications, sedatives, hormonal contraceptives.
- Undergone surgery to remove the uterus or ovaries.
- Trauma to the genitals during childbirth or their underdevelopment.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Early menopause.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine system.
- Hormonal failures, especially observed in pregnancy, after labor and lactation.
- The presence of bad habits (especially alcohol abuse).
- Liver disease and renal failure.

Frigidity in women’s treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor. For diagnosis, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs is performed; blood and urine tests are also checked, and after the diagnosis is established, medications are prescribed. This can be antibiotics, medicines to improve blood circulation or increase a certain type of hormones, exercises and physical procedures.
Note, if there is a question, why there is no orgasm in women, immediately hanging such a label is not worth it. This diagnosis is made if, with regular sexual activity, attraction and desire does not occur for more than 6 months or longer. Due to menstrual cycles, in the female body just raging hormones, and some days except for aggression sex does not cause anything, it is quite normal. For example, in the period of ovulation there is a wild passion, then a decline in desire and so monthly in a circle.
How to remove frigidity in a woman?
When you know the source of the ailment, it is much easier to fight it. If you understand why there is no orgasm, and you want to fix it, you should not stop. Complications of frigidity provoke neuroses, poor relations with a partner, decreased reproductive function, bad mood and depressive states, irritability without much reason, anxiety and low self-esteem.
Can frigidity go away on its own? It can, if its provocateur is not serious and eliminated, but in other situations a thorough diagnosis is needed.
In most cases, women are just very tired from work and household chores, stress, children, various troubles and in the evening just not up to sex. To renew the passion and desire to get arousal and orgasm is sometimes enough full rest and sleep, relaxation and distraction from pressing problems. And if the partner still organizes an unexpected surprise, an erotic massage or a romantic dinner, the sparkle and fire in the eyes will immediately wake up.

Also, the sexual energy and desire for sexual intercourse affects a full, healthy diet, physical activity, and a stable emotional state. What to drink for frigidity in clinical cases? Most often these are pills that contain progesterone, prolactin, cortisol and luteinizing hormone stimulating ovulation.
Special attention to couples with such a problem should be given to additional stimulation. A good option to buy “toys for adults”, such as a vibrator, a ring on the penis with additional stimulation of the clitoris and a lot more there is interesting! So experiment, feel pleasure and strong orgasms during sexual intercourse.