Many tourists go to the Czech Republic not only to see all sorts of sights of this colorful and very interesting European country, but also for the multiple entertainments offered by the local service. One of the relevant services is professional erotic massage in Prague, which is no less popular among locals than among foreign tourists. It is performed in special salons by experienced masseuses who are perfectly familiar with this delicate manual technique, so they have no shortage of clients. And the proposed article will be useful for those who would like to learn basics of erotic massage at home to please their loved one, loved one, partner or partner.
About the preparation
Of course, of great importance is the atmosphere in which such a peculiar ritual will be performed. It is important that the room is at a comfortable temperature for staying in the nude.

In prestigious Prague salons erotic massage session takes place in stylishly decorated apartments. A favorable environment for the corresponding procedure is created by soft and subdued light. In such a situation it is better to turn off the overhead lighting, giving preference to dim lamps on the walls. An excellent solution will be the use of candles, you can aromatic. A reasonable alternative is a scented lamp. Scent can be chosen to your taste – it can be, for example, jasmine, pine, sandalwood or lavender. Phones and door locks should be turned off. You will also need large and fluffy, tactilely pleasant towels. You can play soft music for relaxation. Massage at home can be on a comfortable, moderately hard bed or on the floor, having previously laid a thick blanket on it. It is advisable to cover the blanket or sheet with a water-repellent blanket, otherwise you risk getting the massage oil on the “working area”.
About oils
Unlike many other manual techniques, erotic massage necessarily involves the use of a special oil. Such ready-made compositions are available on sale. They can be purchased in sex shops or made independently. Choosing this massage liquid in a specialized store, you should give preference to a hypoallergenic option.
Eromassage specialists use in their work many variants of aromatic oils, and also prepare various mixes of them themselves, adding to the base from 1 to 5 drops of natural oil of argan, ylang-ylang, patchouli, cedar and other plants.
Any refined and deodorized odorless oil is used as a base. It can be olive, grape seed or almond.

For clients visiting an erotic massage salon, such aromatic liquids can be selected individually, taking into account their preferences.
What is important to know about safety rules?
On the eve of the procedure you should refrain from heavy meals and limit yourself to a minimum amount of alcohol consumed. It is better for a beginner masseuse to have short trimmed nails. Her hands should be warm and soft. Before choosing a massage oil, it is worth asking whether your partner/partner is allergic to the components of this liquid.

Coconut oil for massaging female intimate areas is not recommended – it can provoke a violation of microflora or cause irritation of mucous membranes. Girls and guys in the period of flu and other colds such a procedure is undesirable. Dermatological diseases and the presence of unhealed wounds on the body are also contraindications to it.
Features of strategy, tactics and techniques
To the standard methods of massaging qualified masters performing erotic massage in the Czech Republic, include movements in the form of stroking, rubbing, kneading, tingling and rhythmic vibration. Special attention is paid to highly sensitive erogenous zones. During this ritual, which is performed without hurry and fuss, the neck and ears, nipples and inner thighs are necessarily massaged. The masseur must pay attention to the reaction of his partner and draw conclusions for himself which movements give the massaged person the greatest pleasure.
It is advisable to try to create such conditions so that he cannot think about extraneous things and not fall asleep. During eromassage, the whole body is massaged, from the back of the head to the toes. This tactile contact must be continuous. At first, you can put your partner on the stomach, stroking his back and closely monitoring the reaction. Professionals recommend alternating movements that are barely tangible, light and gentle with intense and deep taps.

Then the massaged person is turned over on his back, continuing stroking. Avoiding contact with the groin area, at this stage, priority is given to the inner thighs. Then they go to the chest area – stroke it, pinch, pull the nipples. After that, the most responsible stage of the procedure is started – massaging of intimate zones.
How to properly massage female and male genitals?
You can name several of the most common techniques that are used by professionals of massage establishments in a certain algorithm.
For women
- Gentle massaging of the labia.
- Acute circular movements near the vaginal area.
- Clitoris massaging – it is performed from the outside, through the skin, in the direction from top to bottom or by rhythmic pressing.
- Massage of point G. First, the partner must determine the most sensitive place inside the vagina of his lady, then proceed to stroking it through circular movements with one finger, slightly pressing the rest of the fingers on the pubic and clitoris zone at this time.
For men
- Stroking with periodic compression of the testicles and “rolling” them under the skin.
- The woman places the partner’s member between her breasts, in a hollow, and begins to move back and forth.
- Massaging the penis with your hands. If a gentleman approaches orgasm, this moment should be felt and warned by squeezing the head for a few seconds. It is recommended to repeat this option several times.
- After orgasm, the partner proceeds to a light massage of his perineum. According to experts, such tactile contact helps in the prevention of prostatitis.
You can complete the procedure by massaging the entrance to the anus, if it is pleasant for a man, or with light slaps on the buttocks.

Classic erotic massage: recommendations
Many professionals advise novice masseurs to perform the eromassage procedure in the following sequence:
- light and gentle stroking of the head, including areas of the hairline, earlobes and temples without applying oil;
•transition to the neck, shoulder girdle and back – warm oil is used at this stage, and in addition to stroking, compression and pressure movements are performed; - massaging buttocks with different techniques, movements in different directions, different intensity and amplitude;
- massage of hips, shins and feet, as well as palms;
- the partner is offered to roll over on his back and perform all movements in the reverse order, especially carefully massaging the chest, abdomen and inguinal region.
There are no clear rules for such a spicy procedure – you should focus on the feelings of the person being massaged and try to make him as pleasant as possible.