Yoni massage – manual art for sensitive ladies

Erotic massage of various kinds helps women to achieve deep inner harmony, strengthening the energetic connection between body and soul, as well as to improve women’s intimate life.
Especially effective in this regard is the “yoni-massage” – in the Czech Republic the corresponding service is offered by special massage parlors with trained staff.
We will talk about the origin and history, great benefits, peculiarities and techniques of this extremely pleasant procedure.

General concept, roots and purpose

The term “yoni” is a Sanskrit word whose meaning is interpreted as “vagina”.
It is known that in the ancient Indian religion – Judaism, this female sexual organ has always been personified with the powerful goddess Shakti. The literal translation of “yoni” means “sacred space”, “source of life” or “sacred cave”.

Researchers consider India and China to be the homeland of yoni practice – the canons of cultures of these countries in the prehistoric period attached great importance to female sexual energy, giving it one of the most important roles in spiritual practices.
That is why since ancient times Easterners have associated and identified yoni with powerful vital energy and strength.
Yoni massage is not sex and not an overture to intimacy, but one of the types of tantric eromassage.

This procedure consists of massaging the labia, clitoris, G-spot, uterus and other erogenous zones. These can be buttocks and thighs, abdomen and breasts.

We can name several target areas of this practice:

  • methodical, careful and slow study, exploration of one’s own body (if we are talking about self-massage);
  • unlocking the sensual potential of the “sacred space”;
  • relieving anxiety and stress, eliminating inner tension, providing comfort and relaxation;
  • relaxation and rehabilitation after sexual traumas;
  • improving intimate health and well-being by positively influencing the hormonal groundwork.

Although a professional yoni massage session in Prague as such is not aimed at making the client sexually satisfied, it involves many amazingly bright and unforgettable orgasms.

Who should try yoni massage and why?

This massage practice, which helps ladies to develop sensuality, maintain harmony with their physical essence and significantly improve close relations with their partners, is shown to absolutely every lady, regardless of her age, lifestyle and type of temperament.

Erotic yoni massage is especially relevant for the following categories of women:

  • sexually inhibited and constrained girls who have complexes related to intimate life, and their own sexual attractiveness;
  • young and mature ladies who are interested in Tantric teachings, and directly related spiritual, and manual practices;
  • women who have experienced the tragedy of sexual abuse or gender humiliation;
  • couples in love, including married couples – this massage procedure will increase mutual intimate attraction, and help to achieve mutual harmony of relations.

In any case, this delicate manual technique has a health-improving effect, and gives amazing pleasure.

How does a yoni massage session take place in a special establishment?

To experience the bliss of this admirable procedure performed by an experienced professional, you should book a yoni massage in a salon in the capital of the Czech Republic. This tourist metropolis is famous for its premium service.
An extremely cozy, relaxing and unprecedentedly friendly atmosphere awaits the client.

The session takes place in a separate room, in which there is a pleasant semi-darkness; silence, or soft music for relaxation; as well as a wonderful aroma of incense that helps to relax, and psychologically adjust to the process.
At first, the master suggests that the guest adopt a comfortable posture. For example, she can lie on her back with small soft pillows under her head, and lumbar area, and spread her legs apart, bent at the knees. It is not necessary to lift the feet.
Another popular variant is the lotus position (with crossed legs and straightened back).

The masseuse recommends the salon visitor to breathe freely, regularly and deeply during the session.

What should I know about yoni massage techniques?

Performing this spicy manual procedure is associated with the use of a number of different techniques.

As a rule, it most often includes the following techniques:

  • light stroking and rubbing movements in the perineum, massaging the pubis;
  • holding a warm brush on the vulva;
  • circular massaging of the peri-vaginal area (the masseuse’s palm should be tightly pressed against the client’s body);
  • soft massage of the clitoris with fingers in clockwise and counterclockwise direction with changing radius and stroking of the labia majora and labia minora;
  • gently pulsating, rhythmic movements with one or a pair of fingers, suggesting pressure on the clitoris;
  • periodically gently pulling, and releasing the clitoris with the thumb and index finger;
  • performing intravaginal massage, including stimulation of the extreme part of the clitoris and the G-spot.

This is by no means a complete list of massage movements, which a masseuse of a specialized institution performs expertly, skillfully and masterfully.
Approaching the guest to clitoral or vaginal orgasm, a masseuse with experience can make small pauses to reduce the feeling of arousal for a while – in this case, the woman will be able to experience the most intense orgasm.

Recommendations for those who want to learn how to do yoni massage at home

To master this special technique, it is best to sign up for a yoni massage in an erotic massage salon, at least once. This way you will be able to feel and understand how it is done by an experienced professional.

There are also special courses that teach such a delicate massage procedure, and specialized educational literature.

On the Internet, you can also find video tutorials that introduce this manual technique online.

Performing yoni massage at home implies following a number of rules related to hygiene.

Before and after the procedure, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

If any massage accessories are used during it, they must be pre-cleaned.

To avoid injury, the use of porous accessories is inadmissible, as well as items that can cause infection.

Oils that risk disturbing the balance of the vaginal microflora (coconut oil is one of them) must not be used.

If pain or discomfort occurs, the massage should be stopped immediately.

The final stage of self-massage yoni can be meditation with light stroking of the erogenous intimate zones.
