Massage with stones (stone therapy)

One of the popular types of eromassage is the “stone massage”, which involves the use of special stones.

Ancient China is considered to be the birthplace of this manual technique, which provides a powerful effect of recovery and relaxation.

In this colourful country, even in prehistoric times, everybody knows about the magical power of natural stones, capable of relieving fatigue, getting rid of mental traumas and even successfully fighting many ailments.

How an erotic massage with stones in the Czech Republic going? In what cases such a procedure is especially relevant and what problems does it help to solve? You will find answers in this article.

What is worth knowing about massage stones?

Modern stone therapy is associated with the use of natural minerals of varying composition and origin of over 20 types.

There is a philosophy, according to which, they are able to draw energy from the cosmos, accumulating it over millions of years in themselves. And in the hands of an experienced master, such stones become an instrument capable of giving their energy reserve to the person with whom the masseuse is working.

Usually, for this procedure, masseuses used a volcanic hot basalt. According to experts, the healing properties of this rock are explained by the content in it of the power of all four natural elements – it is water, fire, air and earth.

Marble, which has a reputation as a noble stone, is also often used for cold stone massage.

Bright green cobblestones of magmatic origin – jadeite from the Far East; minerals from the famous Norwegian fjords, Indonesia and Latin American countries are also used in stone massage.

Professional eromassage is performed with perfectly smooth stones, polished by wind and water, which have a certain weight and size.

It is important that the erotic stone massage is performed by a specialist with experience – only in this case this procedure, which requires skill and delicacy, guarantees a positive effect.

When professionals select the “working material” for a procedure, the individual characteristics of each client, including the condition of their muscles, are necessarily taken into account.

Usually, for a stone therapy session, the stones are pre-warmed in water, the temperature of which is approximately 45-55 °C.

Who is indicated for erotic stone massage?

Such a savoury manual technique is recommended for all men and women, who don`t have contraindications for it.

Massage with stones should not be performed on hypertensive and epileptic people, cancer patients, people suffering from dermatological diseases, skin infections and in a feverish state.

Gentlemen and ladies should visit an erotic massage parlour in Prague to experience the healing properties of stone therapy in the following cases:

  • during rehabilitation after traumatic illness or surgery;
  • if a person’s lifestyle is associated with sports, high physical activity – for example, intensive strength and other training in the gym, fitness club, running;
  • people with insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress and depression;
  • metabolic disorders leading to congestion in tissues, impaired lymph flow and abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to improve immunity, leading to frequent colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis and increased fatigue.

Erotic stone massage is not only an effective and pleasant treatment, but also prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, associated with pain, and spasms; prevention of nervous and psycho-emotional disorders, and decreased immune resistance.

Restorative stone therapy is also a wonderful means of fighting cellulite, excess weight, and a method of figure correction. The latter is known as “stone modelling massage”.

The characteristic difference of stone-modelling manual technique is its extreme nature. For this procedure stones heated and cooled more strongly. High temperatures promote the “burning” of subcutaneous fat, and the cold actively stimulates metabolism.

How does a massage with stones take place?

If we are talking about such a procedure, which is offered by the eromassage salon (Czech Republic), it implies the most cosy, and comfortable environment for the visitor.

In the room, where a skilful and charming masseuse with seductive forms works with the client, there is a pleasant semi-darkness and aroma of incense, quiet relaxing music.

The master welcomes the guest in a friendly and hospitable manner. At first, she starts lightly massaging his body, using special oils with delightful aromas and aphrodisiac effects. This initial stage prepares the client for the subsequent thermal action.

Then, a girl-masseuse executes the lay-out of hot stones, disposing them on bioactive points. These zones are considered the centers of accumulation by the organism of power streams.

As a result of the deep warming up muscles and other fabrics are weakened and relaxations arrive at even the most massive and pinch-off muscles. To attain a maximal effect, a specialist periodically, in the process of session, changes the locations of stones and inverts them, and also massages areas of the body that remain free.

Thanks to an unique structure, the minerals that are used during this procedure retain heat for a long time and slowly give it together with the curative energy to the body.

So, since stone therapy in salons is not only therapeutic, but also erotic massage with stones in Prague, it is accompanied by gentle caressing movements and touches of the masseuse, bringing her delighted guest into a state of bliss. He plunges into a fantastic world of relaxation and pleasure, enjoying the most bright feelings.

Thanks to the involvement of erogenous zones in this delicate process, visitor is achieved
harmony of the physical and emotional state.

Interesting facts about stone massage

  • In ancient times, it was believed that stone massage can turn a nervous and overly emotional person into an unshakable sage, similar to a mountain rock in its calmness.
  • Improvement of blood circulation and activation of metabolism as a result of stone massage occurs, because warm stones dilate blood vessels and thereby provide blood flow to certain areas of the body.
  • Cold stones, conversaly, constrict blood vessels and capillaries – this leads to an increase in muscle tone and the elimination of venous blood congestion.
  • The maximum benefit to the body will be brought by a course of stone therapy, including at least 5 sessions.
  • This special type of massage, useful and extremely pleasant, has no age restrictions.

It is worth ordering an erotic stone massage session in Prague for everyone, who wants to experience an indescribable state of sweet euphoria, which is created by warm minerals and skillful, relaxing hands of professional masseuses.

To effectively relieve fatigue and negative emotions, eliminate tension and stress, it will be enough for you to visit such a massage salon just once.
