Erotic Massage and Its Secrets: An Interview with the Administrator of a Prague Massage Parlor

The capital of the Czech Republic is known not only for its numerous sights, but also for various types of spicy services, which are a favorite of tourists and Prague residents themselves.

Among such entertainments, pleasant and useful, you can include erotic massage, to sign up for which numerous local salons offer. There is no unambiguous attitude to this kind of services. Someone treats such a savory service with obvious prejudice, but most people, especially those who have joined the number of clients of relevant massage establishments, from erotic massage is delighted. This article is based on a conversation between our correspondent and a lady-administrator, whose place of work is a very prestigious erotic massage parlor in Prague.

It contains first-hand information about the features and benefits of the respective popular company in the capital.

Are intimate areas massaged during sessions?

The employee of the salon noted the prevalence of this question, but refused to answer it directly, referring to the fact that one of the principles of their work is to keep a certain intrigue and mystery for visitors. Nevertheless, she said that the body of any guest is massaged completely, from the back of the head to the palms and feet, including every finger. But all erogenous zones are given particularly careful attention. The technique of the procedure itself depends on its type and stage. Any reputable eromassage salon in the Czech Republic offers, as a rule, a large variety of types of such a delicate massage. Usually, the algorithm of this procedure is multistage. It includes a preparatory stage, arousing, during which a violent passion grows, then excitement-relaxing and, finally, the final stage of complete relaxation.

It is impossible to describe in words a session of erotic massage performed by a professional in detail – it can only be felt.

What are the conditions and surroundings of the procedure?

The corresponding chiropractic ritual takes place in cozy apartments, where the administrator takes his visitors after a welcoming meeting. Each such room is already prepared for the client’s visit. Pleasant smells of incense and aromatic oils flow in it.

Some regulars of the institution put in the knowledge of its employees about their preferred aromas in advance – their wishes are necessarily taken into account. Before the session starts, the masseuse, who has an impeccable figure and very seductive forms, turns on music for relaxation and offers the client to completely remove his clothes. The dim light in the room is replaced by the mysterious flickering of candles. A note of magic in the atmosphere, which implies erotic massage in the Prague salon, is added by the flowing smoke of aromatic sticks. The masseuse can be, like her guest, completely naked. Some types of eromassage are performed with the hands and bare body of the master. In other cases, conducting a session, the girl-specialist remains in minimal, sexy clothes that emphasize her beauty. For example, it can be a short top and tiny shorts.

How does the erotic massage itself take place?

Most often, the master first skillfully and with special care massages each zone, each point of the client’s body. She massages his body, starting from the back of the head, and gradually, smoothly reaching the fingertips. At this stage, each of those with whom the procedure is carried out reacts differently. One person can immediately come to an excited state, and the other feels a pleasant relaxation, enthusiastically watching the curves of the body of a charming masseuse-cum-wizard. The master approaches the intimate areas of the guest’s body unhurriedly, but, having reached them, concentrates his attention only on this area. It is in such moments that his client reaches the climax, during which he experiences a feeling of ecstasy, marvelously bright and unforgettable. Then the final stage awaits him – relaxing, with gentle soothing strokes. Reviews claim that at this time visitors to the massage establishment enjoy relaxation, coming to a state of bliss.

Before saying goodbye to the guest, the masseuse girl is sure to ask whether he liked the erotic massage session.

What are the most common opinions and stereotypes about this service?

Despite the high rating of the massage parlor, whose staff gave the correspondent an interview, not all the regulars of this famous establishment treat its service and staff unequivocally. For example, older people who lived through the era of “socialist Czechoslovakia”, sometimes regard local masseuses as girls of easy behavior. Such gentlemen can afford unambiguous hints, requests and even demands for further intimate encounters. However, the rules of the erotic massage parlor do not provide for a corresponding “program”. This establishment has its own code, which is observed by the employees. Most young clients of this company, on the contrary, demonstrate in relation to the girls-massage therapists extremely respectful. They admire the masters and express deep gratitude for their professionalism and ability to deliver real, really unearthly pleasure.

Foreign tourists are especially delighted, who, while staying in the “heart of Europe”, managed to order an erotic massage in Prague and learn all its benefits.

How many sessions can one masseuse perform per day?

The maximum number of such sessions during one day is three. But it often happens that a specialist cannot conduct more than one session per day. This happens if the client does not treat the specialist with enough respect. In such a situation the master receives a lot of negative energy. But if the guest behaves courteously and correctly, observing the norms of ethics, the masseuse girls themselves experience satisfaction from their work.

What are the most typical reasons for visiting an eromassage parlor?

Men most often come to this establishment in order to get full sexual satisfaction. For many regular customers, a visit here is the only opportunity to experience the fullness of sensations of a really vivid orgasm. Some gentlemen even ask the salon staff to teach them the secrets of such a delicate massage ritual to their wives and girlfriends with whom they have intimate relations.

Where do specialists come from?

Some of the salon’s female employees in the past had experience and education related to classical medical, therapeutic massage. Other girls come to work from sex shops or nightclubs, where they previously worked as dancers. After all, performing professional erotic massage involves flexibility and plasticity, similar to choreographic art. Each beginner undergoes a special training program that helps them gain the necessary skills and practical experience.

Is it possible for a female masseuse to talk to the client during the procedure?

Professional ethics does not deprive a specialist of this possibility. Moreover, some visitors prefer the masseur to comment on each of his movements – this gives them even more pleasure. There are also such guests of the massage establishment who like to share their intimate and not only problems with the masters of eromassage during or at the final stage of this spicy procedure.  
The final touch of the erotic massage program is rubbing the client with a wet and dry towel by the masseuse – such a process is also to his liking.
