What can be more pleasant than a relaxing massage after a hard work-day? Relaxation massage in Prague is a very popular service, and has an insane demand. The modern pace of life- constant worries and affairs just throw you out of psychological balance. Depression can develop, the level of stress and negative emotions increases, which in turn greatly affects the physical condition of the body of everyone. That is why it is simply necessary to order a relaxing massage with erotic elements.
What is the effect of a relaxing massage?
In addition to pleasure, relaxation massages also have healing properties. So what are the benefits of a relaxation massage?
- The quality of sleep becomes much better, insomnia and anxiety disappear.
- The tone of the whole body improves.
- Blood circulation becomes more intensive, therefore- all cells are filled with more oxygen.
- The sensations of muscle stiffness disappear, and they become more flexible and elastic.
- If you order this procedure regular – the skin acquires a better appearance, gradually becomes more toned, the color evens out and cellulite disappears.

- Reduces inflammation of the joints and tendons.
- Immunity increases.
- Pain in the back and other problem areas on the body is reduced.
Of course, it has long been proven that relaxation massage reduces stress levels, improves the psychological state of the body, promotes the production of joy hormones, and has a beneficial effect on the vascular, cardiac, respiratory and digestive systems. It also speeds up your metabolism, which helps you get rid of excess weight!
And now just imagine that to all these benefits to add elements of eroticism! A person receives not only healing effects, but also a powerful influx of sexual energy. Erotic massage in Prague is not banal sex for money (it is simply forbidden in salons), but tantric practices in various performances, which can give men and women incredible emotions and pleasures!
What elements of eroticism are used for relaxation massage?
Relaxation massage can be carried out both in the studio and organized at home. This massage can significantly diversify intimate life, orgasms become brighter and more powerful, various complexes and blocks are removed. Let’s consider the main techniques of relaxation massage, and emphasize all the features and nuances.
A great option to dance a private dance for your partner. Slowly take off all your clothes, seduce and make a sensual massage for the whole body, and then with great excitement and desire to continue everything already in another direction.

Body to body
The naked body is already very arousing and it is a pleasure to enjoy such aesthetics. How about applying such a bonus and making an erotic massage with your own body? An explosion of emotions and new feelings are simply guaranteed. To do this, it is necessary to use warm heated oil, sexily rub it first on your body, and then your partner. Gently and smoothly slide your hips, belly, buttocks, breasts on the erogenous zones of your partner, not forgetting about intimate places. As a result, rolling waves of excitement can cause a bright culmination even without intercourse. For example, if you order erotic relaxation massage in Prague, it will be performed by real masters, who are able to increase your libido, strengthen erection, raise sexual constitution, and get just an incredible orgasm.
Intimate area massage
After working out all the muscles and getting general relaxation, surprise your partner with a touch of eroticism and have a lingam massage for men, or yoni massage for women. This technique is aimed only at the genitals, sensually and slowly stimulating the penis, or female clitoris, and does not try to bring to the final at once. The point is to delay the peak as long as possible to get an unforgettable culmination that pierces the whole body.
Taking a shower or warm bath together
Before the massage – this will be a key factor in achieving the right mood, excitement, expectation of something unusual and relaxation. Warm water will help to wash away all negativity, warm up the muscles and calm down after an intense day.
Elements of BDSM
Of course, the technique of BDSM massage requires some knowledge and experience. It is enough to add a few wow-effects and an ordinary massage, turn into a real journey through the world of sexual fantasies. For this purpose, you can use masks over the eyes, so that the partner can concentrate solely on his feelings. Put on erotic lingerie in the style of BDSM, with the use of a light whip you can play an interesting role-playing game, and then it all depends on your imagination, desires and fantasies.

Do not deny yourself such pleasures and satisfaction. The main rule to perform a stunning relaxing massage with elements of eroticism is your mood and sexual spirit . Do not forget that such a game is not intended for only one. Both partners can enjoy it! Women, sliding their intimate zones, also reach the final manual method, and men performing the session can reach orgasm by driving between the buttocks, or breasts with their genitals. As a result, after the massage, when both partners are strongly turned on, it is possible to continue the intimate journey and sexual games already in bed, to feel bright and multiple finals. Believe me, if you have tried it once, you will not be able to stop and will continue to study erotic massage and conduct unforgettable experiments.