Professional and amateur erotic massage: what’s the difference?

The current realities force representatives of the modern generation to give preference to a fast-paced and busy lifestyle, which leads to emotional and physical exhaustion and makes them often experience stress.

Obviously, due to this situation, aromatherapy massage, known since ancient civilizations, has become extremely popular again. The specialists of the best erotic massage salon in Prague, «Fenix», have a perfectly appropriate spicy manual technique that allows each client to feel absolute relaxation and experience an exciting feeling of bliss.

However, it is also a fact that the high demand for erotic massage services has resulted in a significant number of offers. Ads for such services can be found on the Internet and other media sources. However, there are many amateurs among the authors of such ads who try to pass themselves off as professionals. The quality of service provided by outsiders is usually poor, and contact with them has extremely negative consequences for the client.

We’ll tell you how to distinguish a person without the necessary experience and skills offering sexual massage from a specialist below. We will focus on several important features of professional erotic massage that similar services offered by non-specialists lack.

Availability of a specially equipped room

The statement of a self-taught masseuse that she serves clients at home or in a hotel should be alarming. At home, as well as in a hotel room, it is unlikely that you will have all the conditions and atmosphere necessary for such a delicate massage procedure.

It’s not just about a comfortable place specially equipped for a spicy massage ritual. Many aspects are important, from a comfortable air temperature and humidity in the room to a favorable psychological microclimate.

An erotic massage session in the salon provides for an appropriate environment, which is complemented by soft dim lighting, elegant interior design of the room, the sound of pleasant music for relaxation, and the aroma of aphrodisiac incense.

Strict adherence to hygiene

It is mandatory in eromassage establishments where professionals work. The administration and staff of prestigious specialized salons are responsible for the cleanliness of their establishments and the hygienic safety of their guests.

This means thoroughly cleaning the rooms where the relevant procedure took place after each session. The cleaning staff of the respective service facilities use effective and environmentally friendly cleaning products. In addition, all conditions for visitors’ hygiene are created here. They are offered a shower before the massage. Guests are also provided with individual hygiene products.

Professional masseuses undergo regular medical examinations. Therefore, their clients can be sure that these specialists do not have dermatological and other health problems. At the same time, the consequence of the trust of applicants for a spicy massage in an amateur chosen at random is often infections, skin diseases, and even sexually transmitted diseases.

Mastery of erotic massage techniques

Like every type of manual massage procedure, this business requires certain knowledge, practical skills, and abilities.

Usually, girls with no experience who get a job in an eromassage salon undergo a long course of special training before starting their professional duties. It is provided by experienced mentors.

As a result of the successful completion of the theoretical and practical training course, new masseuses receive a certificate confirming their qualifications and giving them the right and official permission to start working.

Non-professionals, of course, do not have such a document, nor do they have special qualification training. Their knowledge is often limited to videos watched on the Internet and other, often dubious, information about sexual massage.

Professional eromassage excludes sex

Every massage parlor with a decent reputation, specializing in the corresponding spicy service, has its own code of rules. It concerns the behavior of masseuses and their clients, the relationship between staff and visitors.

One of the important conditions set forth by these rules is a strict prohibition of sexual relations and sexual intimacy between professionals and guests. This point is brought to the attention of each client before the start of the session. If a visitor begins to behave inappropriately, ignoring the code of the erotic massage parlor, the masseuse is assisted by the security service of the establishment, and her guest is tamed and blacklisted.

If a random girl offers herself to a client along with erotic massage services or even under the pretext of them, she is unlikely to be a professional masseuse — you should not make a choice in her favor.

Individual approach

During massage sessions in the salon, experienced masters take into account the characteristics of each visitor. This means a number of factors, including age, physique, health, and temperament.

Specialists pay special attention to gentlemen of a respectable age, watching how their client’s body responds to every touch of the master. If the guest suffers from allergies or cannot tolerate certain odors, this is also taken into account. Hypoallergenic massage oils are used when working with them.

Before the session begins, the customer of such a procedure is familiarized with the list of contraindications to it. People with skin diseases, after recent injuries and surgeries, in case of cancer and epilepsy, should not have an erotic massage. And if the client is a pregnant woman, the specialist should be especially careful.

It is clear that a person without professional training cannot and will not know the relevant nuances, so unpleasant consequences are not excluded for their client.

In addition, the difference between professional and unprofessional erotic massage lies in the type of service. A salon, a professional service of this kind, provides a choice of erotic massage. Specialized establishments with experienced and qualified staff offer tantric massage, noir massage, body massage, Ayurvedic massage, wine massage, and many other types. Ladies in Czech erotic assage salons can order a sensual yoni massage, and men can order a Lingam massage, which prevents and treats prostatitis. And lovers and couples have the opportunity to attend a special massage session for couples — it will leave an unrivaled impression.

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