What Is Lingam Massage and How Is It Performed?

The term “Lingam” originates from ancient Indian mythology and translates to “rod of light,” symbolizing male power; simply words – it refers to a man’s penis in an erect state.

Contrary to common misconceptions, the Lingam massage technique is far more profound than simple manual stimulation. This practice not only provides men with incredible pleasure but also offers significant health benefits, particularly for enhancing sexual function.

Lingam massage is widely offered in salons throughout the Czech Republic, where it enjoys considerable popularity. However, it’s not limited to professional settings—you can also perform a Lingam massage in the privacy of your home with a trusted partner. The key is understanding the proper techniques to ensure an enjoyable and beneficial experience.

Want to give your partner a sea of unforgettable sensations? So let’s learn the ancient tantric practice of lingam massage together.

Features of Lingama massage, and all the nuances

At first, the technique may seem complicated and not understandable, but actually, it is much simpler. Remember that without practice you can not achieve mastery! The main thing is to create the necessary atmosphere, relax your partner, remove all unnecessary distracting paraphernalia and proceed to the long-awaited session.

The main feature of the Lingama erotic massage in Prague is to try not to bring clients to orgasm for as long as possible. When you feel that the man is on the verge and ejaculation is imminent, the movements and pace are changed to a slower rhythm, and you move to other intimate parts of the body, such as thighs or testicles.

What are the benefits of lingama massage for men? It helps to increase potency, especially if there are problems with this function, increases the duration and strength of the erection, is able to prolong the classical sexual intercourse much longer than usual, and of course, it`s please the woman, because she needs much more time for foreplay and arousal.

In addition to physiological positivity, lingam massage allows you to get rid of many sexual and psychological blocks, to become more confident, to feel an incredible influx of energy, to become more liberated, and of course to feel important and accepted, because such action is aimed only for the pleasure of men.

What are the techniques and how to perform them

If a client wants to order an erotic Lingam massage in Prague, then, as a rule, its standard duration is from 30 to 60 minutes. It is not a quick process and consists of several stages.

It is very important to relax the man beforehand and put him in the right mood. It is possible to take a bath with foam or shower together, to carry out the usual massage of the back, shoulders and lower back. Particular attention should be paid to the thighs and buttocks, so that the blood circulation in the pelvis is significantly increased, therefore, the flow to the penis increases.

  • The man is relaxed, lying on his back, his penis is not in an aroused state, and you proceed to perform various techniques. In all cases, it is absolutely necessary to use lubricant or special gels to improve sliding.
  • Put the man’s penis on his stomach, and with the palm of your hand gently move from the testicles to the head, and then smoothly scrape and bring the movement to the solar plexus, and then spend all the same only from top to bottom – male power gradually begins to wake up.
  • Then create a feeling of endless exit and entrance, one hand descends from the head of the penis, and the other hand simultaneously rises, the movements do not stop and everything happens at the same pace. The strength of the pressure is regulated by the fist, at first you can use a soft grip and gradually strengthen it. It is important to stop in time and not bring the man to orgasm.
  • After active stimulation you should change the pace and force, to reduce the activity you can use an imitation of the movement of rolling the dough, smoothly and gently.
  • After a short rest, increase the speed again. Imagine making the “OK” sign with your hand. Bring your thumb and forefinger together and fix them on the head of penis, and leave the rest of the pads on the penis; start moving from bottom to top and back, controlling the force.
  • The glans penis is the most erogenous zone on the penis, and lingama massage for men includes techniques for working with it. Place the palm of your hand on the head of penis , encircle it with the fingers of your whole hand, and then move quickly up – down while not touching the base. If the man comes to the final, take your hands off the glans penis and massage the testicles and the area up to the anal perineum, this will help to distract.
  • If you want to intensify the effect, put your two palms together and intertwine your fingers inside, thus making a “basket”. This will give the sensation of relief and bumpy surface, it is this part that you slide on the frenulum and the cheeks of the head, and you need to move vertically.
  • Another method: еurn the middle and index fingers on both hands to make a “V” sign. Fix one hand on the frenulum and head of penis, and the other on the base of the penis, and use your fingers to make continuous movements. One hand goes down and the other hand goes up, so there is constant, intense stimulation of the penis.

You can use several or one technique at the same time, just follow the sensations of your partner, do experiments, make your own adjustments and so on. The main thing is not to allow oral caresses and classical penetration, it will not be a technique of Lingama massage.

Its essence is constantly increasing waves of excitement and pleasure, each subsequent one should be stronger than the previous one, the session can not be fully executed in 1 or 2 minutes. If performed correctly, the man gets a very powerful orgasm, piercing literally every cell of the body, gets rid of pressure and tension, and some even after completion enter a trance for a few minutes, because the body gives a strong response to the pleasure.

It just takes practice! And then, lovely ladies, you will be greatly stunned by the reciprocation of gratitude from your partner! Take risks, try and bring new emotions and pleasures into your intimate life.
