Feather massage

Since ancient times, people have personified the bird feather with lightness, truth and part of the sublime human soul. In antiquity, it was also considered a magical attribute of love, harmony, feminine attractiveness, elegance and sexuality. It is known that bird feathers from prehistoric times were widely used for decorating various sacred, religious and ceremonial relics, amulets and talismans. Bracelets decorated with them were worn by Tibetan monks as a symbol of protection of their vital energy, physical, intellectual and psychological, from negativity and evil forces. But there is another application of this item of feathered clothing – it is erotic massage with feathers, which is offered by many specialized salons in the Czech Republic.


Such a savory chiropractic technique has its roots in the days of the Wild West. According to sources, it was used by shamans of Indian tribes during intimate rituals.

It was believed that at the beginning of such an action it was necessary to awaken the energy of the pen. For this purpose, the shaman touched the ritual feather, stroked and caressed it, and then blew on it. Perhaps, the corresponding tradition originated back then, when people began to connect not only the flight, but also the mating games of birds with their plumage.

Nowadays, feather massage, spicy and tender, is a part of the tantric eromassage program, which helps to open the sensuality of a visitor or a female visitor of a special massage establishment in the best possible way.

Techniques and techniques

The feather touch, light and tickling, is an excellent method of stimulation and arousal.

This procedure usually begins a professional erotic massage – it helps to activate nerve endings, thus causing maximum sensitivity of the skin, its receptivity to the subsequent actions of the masseuse. Manipulations with feathers the master practices until the moment when he applies massage oil to the skin. Otherwise, his client will not get the desired bright sensations, and the tool itself, coming into contact with oily and wet skin, will immediately come into disrepair.

Performing erotic massage with feathers in the salon (Prague), the masseur uses a variety of techniques:

  • light touches with the corresponding accessory over the entire surface of the body with dynamic movement of the accessory to enhance the client’s sensuality;
  • strokes on erogenous zones, including nipples and genitals – they are performed briefly and rather quickly, as if teasing;
  • rhythmic touches with the pen, alternating with tactile contacts – gentle touches with the pads of fingers and palms;
  • movements in different directions and with different amplitude – sharpened, circular and sprawling.

The specialist avoids touching areas of the body that are particularly sensitive to tickling, so they will avoid contact with the neck, feet and ribs.
A full-fledged session of erotic massage with feathers usually lasts quite a long time, but a feather is used by the specialist masseur only at the initial stage of it.

What is worth knowing about feathers for eromassage?

During this delicate procedure, elements of the plumage of large birds are used, which are able to maintain a presentable appearance and do not become disheveled for a long time.

An excellent option for performing this manual ritual is a feather of peacock, ostrich or pheasant. The feathers of geese, owls, swan or swan down are used less frequently. In some types of procedures, which are usually offered by the erotic massage parlor in the Czech Republic, in addition to such an accessory, additional attributes are used – for example, a blindfold or handcuffs for BDSM.

Knowing all the secrets of using the massage feather perfectly, the masseuse with its help can give her guests a lot of unique and exciting sensations on the way to the climax of bliss.

In specialized establishments with the appropriate purpose take feathers of high quality and durable, providing salon visitors with maximum comfort. They are characterized by stylish design, which sets the clients in a romantic mood, and ergonomic in use, as they are usually equipped with a convenient handle. Before using the pen during an eromassage, the specialist coordinates the relevant moment with his guest – some people are too sensitive to tickling, so they are not a priori able to enjoy this kind of caresses.

Ambience during the session

This ritual takes place in a special apartment, where there is a perfectly comfortable temperature for being in the nude and a mysterious, mysterious atmosphere with dim, dimmed lighting. Erotic massage with feathers, as well as other types of eromassage, does not tolerate haste and fuss. During this delicate procedure, a delightful aroma of aphrodisiac incense and pleasant, quiet music for relaxation and meditation can flow in the room.

Complementing such a disposing environment for full rest and relaxation is a masseuse or masseur with a seductive body and natural charm, courtesy and attentiveness to the visitor.

Despite all the sharpness of sensations experienced by the client or salon client during the manipulations of the master with a ticklish feather, the specialist knows when to move to massage with hands and body. He will clearly define the moment at which it is advisable to move directly to tactile contact, for the sake of which, in fact, and it is worth ordering a session of erotic massage in Prague.

The very massaging with feathers, no matter how skillfully it is performed, causes only the effect of excitement, thirst for caresses and sexual satisfaction. Therefore, in any case, the main tool of the masseuse remains her delicate, skillful and admirable hands.
